Frequently Asked Question

How do I add people to an email group?
Last Updated 5 years ago

Add people to your group

If you know who the group owner is, email them the list of people you wish to add or remove.

If you're not a group owner, open a ticket with asking who the owner is.

If you're a group owner, or if you have permission to manage members, you can add people to your group in three ways:
  • Invite someone via email
  • Add someone without getting their approval
  • Approve people who applied to join
Invite people to your group
  1. Sign in to Google Groups.
  2. Click My groups.
  3. Choose a group.
  4. Near the top right, click Manage members.
  5. On the left, click Members > Invite members.
  6. Enter the email addresses of people to invite.
  7. Optional: Enter text in the "Write an invitation message" field.
  8. Click Send invites.
  9. To resend or revoke pending invitations, click Members > Outstanding invites.
Add people to your group directly
You can add up to 10 people to your Group at once.
  1. Sign in to Google Groups.
  2. Click My groups.
  3. Choose a group.
  4. Near the top right, click Manage members.
  5. On the left, click Members > Direct add members.
  6. Enter the email addresses of the people to add.
  7. Enter a welcome message.
  8. Set how members will get email from the group.
  9. Click Add.
Accept requests to join your group
You can view requests to join your group and accept or deny them on an individual basis.
  1. Sign in to Google Groups.
  2. Click My groups.
  3. Choose a group.
  4. Near the top right, click Manage members.
  5. On the left, click Members > Join requests.
  6. Check the box next to a requester.
  7. Click Approve applicant or Reject applicant.
View all members of a group
You can view all group members as well as people who have been banned from a group.
  1. Sign in to Google Groups.
  2. Click My groups.
  3. Choose a group.
  4. Near the top right, click Manage members.
  5. To see a list of all banned members, near the top left, click Banned.
  6. To search for members, use the search bar on the "Members" page.
Google Support: Add people to your group

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